Patricia Fabiano

febrero 8, 2023

Essay Template

Follow this template to organise your essays for the Cambridge exam.


How to write an essay

The structure of an essay is pretty straightforward. It is true that it may vary depending on the final goal of the exercise: express opinion, contrast ideas, expose different viewpoints, etc. Nevertheless, if you are familiar with the main parts and how to do them, it will be very easy to apply them to the exercise.


It is the first paragraph that we find in an essay. Here you must inform the reader as well as catch his or her interest. The information goes from general to specific.

  1. General sentence about the topic.
  2. Some background information about the topic.
  3. Introduce the main ideas that you will discuss. These ideas must coincide with the notes given in the exercise.

Look at this example:

  1. Education has changed in the last few years due to the technological revolution.
  2. New devices have been introduced inside the classroom changing methodologies and approaches to learning.
  3. In this essay we will discuss (note 1) the positive as well as (note 2) the negative impact that the implementation of technology in the classroom has entailed. Moreover, (my idea) we will discuss the future of education if we continue following this trend.


This is the core part in your writing. It will consist of as many paragraphs as ideas you want to express. The structure of a paragraph consist in three main parts:


  1. General sentence to introduce the idea.
  2. Explain the idea.
  3. Summarise the ideas.
In this case, it will consist of three paragraphs:

Paragraph 1: Idea 1 – Positive impact of using technology in the classroom

    Firstly, we will discuss the positive impact of using technology in the classroom. 2. In this second part of the paragraph you expose your arguments. 3. In short, and you name the arguments you exposed in the second part of the paragraph.

Paragraph 2: Idea 2 – Negative impact of using technology in the classroom
  1. Secondly, we will discuss the negative impact that technology may have in education. 2. In this second part of the paragraph you expose your arguments. 3. Therefore, and you name the arguments you exposed in the second part of the paragraph.

Paragraph 3: Idea 3 – The future of education
  1. Lastly, we will discuss the future of education. 2. In this second part of the paragraph you expose your arguments. 3. In a nutshell, and you name the arguments you exposed in the second part of the paragraph.


In this part you do not add new information, instead, you mention the different ideas that you have discussed in your essay to finally make a final statement putting together everything you have explained. The structure would be:

  1. General sentence summarising the main topic of the essay.
  2. Mention the main ideas you have discussed.
  3. Concluding sentence.

Look at this example:

  1. In conclusion, as we have explained, implementing technology as an essential part of education has its advantages and disadvantages.
  2. On the one hand, mention your argument regarding the positive impact. On the other hand, mention the arguments related to the negative impact. Consequently, if we continue this path, arguments related to the future of education.
  3. To sum up, we cannot prevent technology from the classroom, instead, we must find better methods to implement it.

Writing Template


1.[General sentence about the topic]. 2. [Some background information about the topic.]. 3. In this essay we will discuss [main idea 1] as well as [main idea 2]. Moreover, [your own idea].



Paragraph 1

1.Firstly, we will discuss [main idea 1]. 2. In this second part of the paragraph you expose your arguments. 3. In short, [name the arguments you exposed in the second part of the paragraph].

Paragraph 2

1.Secondly, we will discuss [main idea 2]. 2. In this second part of the paragraph you expose your arguments. 3. Therefore, [name the arguments you exposed in the second part of the paragraph].

Paragraph 3

1.Lastly, we will discuss [your own idea]. 2. In this second part of the paragraph you expose your arguments. 3. In a nutshell, [name the arguments you exposed in the second part of the paragraph].



In conclusion, [a sentence summarising the main topic of the essay]. 2. On the one hand, [arguments related to the first main idea]. On the other hand, [arguments related to the first main idea]. Consequently, [arguments related to your own idea]. 3. To sum up, [concluding sentence].

Patricia Fabiano

¡Hola! Soy Pat, soy e-learning developer y profesora de inglés, me encargo de la creación de contenidos de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge en inglés, hago el seguimiento del progreso de los alumnos y los ayudo a alcanzar sus objetivos gracias a nuestros planes personalizados. Soy fanática de las series de suspenso y aventura. ¿Mi finde ideal? Estar acurrucada en el sillón con mis gatos, un buen chocolate y una buena serie. Estudié el profesorado de inglés en la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional en Buenos Aires, Argentina y actualmente estoy haciendo el traductorado de inglés-español a distancia en el Instituto Lenguas Vivas. He rendido varios de los exámenes internacionales de Cambridge y tengo una certificación TESOL, que me habilita a enseñar inglés a hablantes no nativos. Comencé mi experiencia profesional dando clases en colegios bilingües en Argentina, así como institutos y academias. Siempre me gustó viajar mucho, por lo que ya antes de la pandemia comencé a especializarme en las clases en línea y a utilizar todo el material disponible. Esto me llevó a buscar una carrera en la creación de contenidos, dado que muchas veces lo que había en las páginas de internet no me era suficiente o adecuado para mis alumnos. Así llegué a Langoo, una empresa que me ha dado la oportunidad de desarrollar el material acorde a las necesidades de cada uno y en donde puedo dejar volar mi creatividad.

Publicado por
Patricia Fabiano

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